DrupalCamp London 2-4 Mar'18
The following blog was written by Drupal Association Premium Supporting Partner, DrupalCamp London.
The people surrounding Drupal have always been one of its strongest selling points; hence the motto “Come for the code, stay for the community”. We bring individuals from a multitude of backgrounds and skill sets together to push forward towards a common goal whilst supporting and helping each other. Within the community, there are a number of ways to connect to each other; both online and in person. A good way to meet in person is by attending DrupalCons and DrupalCamps.
A DrupalCamp can be similar to a DrupalCon but is on a much smaller scale. Where a ‘Con has 1,600+ attendees a ‘Camp ranges anywhere from 50-600 people. In Europe alone there were over 50 camps in 2017, including DrupalCamp London.
DrupalCamp London
DrupalCamp London brings together hundreds of people from across the globe who use, develop, design, and support the Drupal platform. It’s a chance for Drupalers from all backgrounds to meet, discuss, and engage in the Drupal community and project. DrupalCamp London is the biggest camp in Europe (followed very closely by Kiev), at ~600 people over three days. Due to its size and location, we’re able to run a wide range of sessions, keynotes, BoFs, Sprints, and activities to take part in.
What happens over the three days?
Friday (CxO day)
Friday (CxO day) is primarily aimed at business leaders who provide or make use of Drupal services (i.e web development agencies, training companies, clients etc), but naturally, everyone is welcome. Throughout the day we'll have speakers talking about their experiences working with Drupal and Open Source technologies in their sector(s) or personal life. With a hot food buffet for lunch and a free drinks reception at the end of the day, you'll also have ample time to network with the other attendees.
Benefits of attending
Benefits for CTOs, CMOs, COOs, CEOs, Technical Directors, Marketing Directors and Senior Decision Makers:
Understand how leading organisations leverage the many benefits of Drupal Network with similar organisations in your sector Learn directly from thought leaders via specific case studiesSaturday/Sunday (Weekend event)
Over the weekend, we have 3 Keynote speakers, a choice of over 40 sessions to attend, BoF (Birds of a Feather) talks, Sprints, great lunch provided (both days) and a Saturday social. With all the activity there is something for everyone to get involved in.
Benefits of attending
Over 500 people attended the weekend event last year and we are expecting it to grow even more this year. Not all attendees are devs either, with a fair share of managers, designers, C-Level, and UX leads there's a great opportunity for all skill sets to interact with each other. Big brands use Drupal (MTV, Visit England, Royal.gov, Guardian, Twitter, Disney) and this is a chance to meet with people from those companies to compare notes, and learn from each other.
As above, the chance to meet so many people from various skill sets is a great way to line up potential interviews and hires for any aspect of your business. At the very least you'll be able to meet interesting people for any future potential hires.
Marketing & Raising company profile
Attending an event with a huge turnout is a great way to meet people and talk to them about what you and your company do. Embedding your name within the tight-knit Drupal community can attract the attention of other companies. Sponsoring the camp means that your logo and additional information can be seen around the camp, in tote bags given to attendees, and online. The social and sponsors stands are the perfect chance to talk to other companies and people attending DrupalCamp, to find out how they use Drupal for their benefit.
DrupalCamp isn't just for Devs, over the weekend there are sessions on a broad range of topics including community & business, UX, and general site building/using Drupal. The technical topics aren’t just Drupal specific either, this gives developers (and others) the ability to learn more about general core coding concepts and methodologies. The methods and techniques learnt help with day to day development and long-term work. In addition to the planned sessions, BoF (birds of a feather) sessions, there are ad-hoc get-togethers where people can talk on any topic, allowing a free discussion to share ideas.
Warm fuzzy feeling/giving back
Drupal (like any open source software) wouldn't survive without the community. Camps and other events allow the members to come together and see ‘first hand’ that they’re giving back to a community that helps power their tech, maintains their interests, and enables them to make a living.
How to get involved?
It’s easy to get involved with DrupalCamp London, check us out on Twitter for updates and you can find out more about the event and buy tickets on our website.
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